Top Notch Engineers

Our staff of exclusively senior engineers are all hand-chosen for their Ionic contributions and experiences. We have the highest concentration of Ionic talent on our staff, and it shows.

Engineer Staffing

We go beyond consulting and training, to collaborating directly with client engineers on real application code and infrastructure. Not only is each of our engineers a top-notch Ionic developer, but they're well versed in the entire stack to help resolve any and all problems your team may encounter.

Our main engineering offering makes Theracode engineers available to contribute code and provide infrastructure assistance to teams on a weekly or hourly basis. For teams who could use a hand getting a special project started on the right foot, this is a great option to have experts directly applying our recommended best practices. But we don't just write code and leave, we're constantly pairing with and training our clients to help them understand what we're doing and why we do it.

The Theracode Advantage

Our architects and engineers at Theracode have worked as lead engineers on the Ionic team directly, or have made significant contributions to open source projects in the Ionic community. Our experience working with Ionic, and many of the world's top brands using Ionic, gives us first-hand knowledge what patterns work for enterprise, and which ones don't.

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