We're hiring
We are always on the look-out for exceptional people. Does the above jive with how you view the world? Are you an exceptional Ionic developer? We'd love to chat more.
We take company culture and core values very seriously. Culture doesn't just eat strategy for breakfast - it's eats everything. Therefore, we know that to be successful and build a lasting business, we need to be the sort of company that employees and customers love, respect, and trust. Our core values are ever evolving and will drive our decision making process.
Whether experimenting with a new technology, or when hiring new staff, take the time to fully grasp the pros/cons of a situation and get the best information possible. When it comes to decision making, you can never have too much information. If this means we spend a week doing a deep dive into a topic to make sure we understand what we're getting into, or we spend 5 hours interviewing a single candidate, it's worth it to avoid making costly mistakes.
Theracode employees are our best asset and advocates for our services. If our employees aren't loving what we're doing or what our culture is like, why would our customers be into it? It is our job to genuinely listen and respond effectively so our employees needs are being met. Since we hire very talented, ambitious people, we need to compensate them handsomely and give them opportunities and space to grow, learn, fail, and succeed.
From the top down, we want everyone in our company being great spouses/partners and parents. We will only hire people that we believe fit that bill. This will be the single most important characteristic in candidates we select. While doing exceptional work is important, we believe being available and responsive to one's family is more important. We would much rather that our employees have lunch with their kids instead of working through lunch. We'd rather our employees cut out early on a nice day and take their kids to the park. As long as we're assigning reasonable amounts of work, and the work is getting done, we want our employees putting in the minimum time to achieve that and being great people the rest of the time.
Every employee has the right to know if they're going to have a job tomorrow, next week, and next month. We will consistently provide transparent updates about the financial health of the business to all employees. In addition, the business will be run in a conservative, slow-growing, strategic manner. We're not planning on a quick exit, we'd like to be around for a long time. The idea of venture capital or outside investors is not something we're interested in.
There are so many reasons to be all-in on remote work in today's world. Makers need quiet time to think, life is way too short to waste time commuting, limiting ourselves to local candidates decreases overall talent pool, etc. We believe that remote work is more productive, collaborative, fun, and social then working in a traditional office when done correctly. In order to ensure we do things correctly, we will never have a central headquarters or office. We will also make sure that teams work collaboratively and effectively together by having consistent weekly social time and team meetings.
This one's pretty simple. Life is way too short for putting up with bullshit. There's no place for any of that here, including politics. The same could be said for assholes or jerks. We're a team, and we expect each team member to be committed to helping their colleagues and being good to one another. Respecting of one another's uniqueness, skills and time is required at all times.
Conventional wisdom says that team's should try to minimize distractions and interruptions in order to be productive and stay focused. We think that's incorrect. We think being interrupt driven and extra responsive is the best way to provide a great service and create value. An interruption gives an opportunity to provide outstanding service to either a colleague, or a customer. This grows trust, and we've found that the dialogue that follows tends to be invaluable to understanding customer and colleague needs.
Everyone at Theracode is very good at what they do. We take pride is hiring very talented and very intelligent people. That said, everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. It is imperative that we facilitate and establish trust throughout the entire organization. Whether this is accomplished by respectful, kind and positive interactions, or following-up on requests, or any other method, it is imperative that we trust that our colleagues will do a great job when we rely on them to do so. Trust is hard to earn, and once it's lost, it's nearly impossible to gain back. We think the best way to keep a high level of trust is over share and provide as much context as possible about the circumstances surrounding a decision or an interaction. Providing exceptional context shows that the situation was clearly thought through and all parties can then understand the criteria, pros/cons, etc that led to a decision being made. Context is king in our world.
We believe that service-oriented companies with a very focused niche result in better outcomes for customers. That results in happier employees, happier customers, and greater revenue. We're the world leaders in Ionic talent, and the quality of outcomes for our customers reflect that. We don't have delusions of grandeur or aspirations to be a massive company someday. We'd rather be the big fish in a medium sized pool then a small fish in an ocean. We want to grow slowly, and be profitable every step of the way. Being specialists in a specifc niche are the best way to accomplish that.
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